Almost all women have heard of varicose veins. Even twenty year old girls are prone to this disease. But most face this problem during pregnancy, especially women with a hereditary predisposition.
At first the defect is only cosmetic, but pain occurs over time. In more advanced conditions, the disease can develop into thrombophlebitis (a common complication of varicose veins), which can harm the mother and the unborn child. How to avoid such consequences, the best recipes for the treatment of varicose veins, as well as for the prevention of the disease - you will learn all this from the following material.
Causes of occurrence
The birth of a baby is a difficult task for a woman, especially in the second half of pregnancy. During this time, the abdomen is under constant tension and can withstand significant loads. The blood vessels cannot cope with the piled up work and burst. This is the main cause of varicose veins on the legs of expectant mothers.
In addition, the blood flow increases in order to feed not one organism but two at the same time, in some cases three! The uterus increases in volume, the pressure increases, which disrupts the natural flow of blood. This is another important factor that causes this disease.
There are other reasons for the development of the disease:
- rapid weight gain, obesity;
- repeated pregnancy;
- physical inactivity, sedentary work;
- changes in the hormonal background;
- hereditary predisposition;
- bad habits;
- takes a long sunbath.
Even during pregnancy, all latent or chronic diseases worsen. Therefore, take disease prevention. If the problem persists, use the prescriptions for treatment.
First signs and symptoms
This disease doesn't manifest itself at first, but over time you will definitely experience discomfort and other signs:
- veins swell, visible to the naked eye;
- different types of meshes are formed - this is the result of a rupture of blood vessels;
- in the evening there is severe tiredness in the legs, swelling;
- The pain doesn't go away in the morning, the situation gets worse.
- Varicose veins occur not only on the legs, but also in the pelvic area (uterus, labia). In such a situation, only a doctor can diagnose this disease. However, if you experience itching, pain in the groin, or the inability to sit for a long time, contact a gynecologist immediately.
- In advanced cases, patients have cramps of the lower extremities.
If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should inform your doctor, he will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.
Classification of the disease
Pregnant women have the following types of varicose veins:
- lower limbs. This type is the most common, and legs are a support for the entire organism, they have to cope with the stress that occurs;
- vagina. It is most often diagnosed during the second pregnancy, it is worth the immediate intervention of doctors, since such a pathology can complicate childbirth;
- uterus. Such a problem is found in women who have had abortions, sexually transmitted infections, or who are genetically predisposed.
- in the bar. It is accompanied by severe pain in that area, which interferes with normal walking.
Avoid self-diagnosis and self-medication, think about the future baby, only the doctor will precisely determine the type and course of further measures.
Effective exercises and treatments

Contact your gynecologist. The best option would be for him to write a referral to a close specialist - the phlebologist (a doctor who treats chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI).
Such a doctor will prescribe the following drugs, depending on the stage of development and the location of the pathology:
- topical application of ointments and gels;
- Taking special pills (phlebotonics), which strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside, will help heal already damaged pills.
- anticoagulants. These drugs help thin the blood, prevent blood clots from forming, which clog blood vessels that burst over time. They are used in extreme cases as it can lead to placenta detachment and bleeding.
- special underwear. The doctor will select compression tights and support stockings for you. They can be worn for prophylaxis (70 Den) or for treatment (100-280 Den).
- All kinds of traditional medicine help widen the veins in the legs. Read the following recipes.
Important!If you notice severe edema, redness in the area of the swollen veins, sharp pain, fever, do not hesitate, call an ambulance!
Tell the staff about your problem when you arrive at the hospital. Also, don't start this process after your baby is born.
These exercises are useful for expectant mothers and help relieve fatigue, relieve pain and swelling:
- Sit on a chair, move your feet in a circle, and don't lift your heels off the floor.
- Stand up straight, stretch your left leg forward, turn your foot first, then your whole leg, alternating legs;
- It is useful to walk on tiptoe, walk 3-4 times around the apartment, and then walk outside and inside on the foot.
- For you, sit on a comfortable surface, lift your heels off the floor, the socks should stay on the floor, and then return to the starting position.
Do each such exercise 10 times, preferably 3 sets. Take into account your state of health and the length of your pregnancy if you do not overexert yourself.
Varicose veins can be operated on, but in extreme cases. Such manipulations are strictly forbidden for pregnant women.
Treatment with traditional medicine

Some ladies only trust doctors, but there are methods that have been tested by our mothers and grandmothers. These recipes do not contain chemicals, everything is natural, so there are no special contraindications for pregnant women, except for an individual intolerance to some components.
List of the most effective remedies against varicose veins:
- Apple cider vinegar.It can be used externally and used internally. Rub a little bit of this product into your skin every evening to increase the effects. Drink 1 glass of water with 1 teaspoon of vinegar after meals. Do not expect quick effects, such a disease requires long-term treatment. You will see the first positive results in a month at the earliest.
- green tomatoes.Cut this fruit in circles, attach it to the swollen veins and wrap it with an elastic bandage. Carry out such manipulations every evening and wash the compress off with water in the morning. The duration of treatment is around 5-6 months, but the result is worth it;
- potatoes.This product is available in every kitchen, grate 5 fresh potatoes, apply on the feet, wrap with cling film, store for about four hours. Such a compress immediately relieves pain, over time the veins decrease;
- horse chestnut.Prepare a tincture from this ingredient: pour the inflorescences (50 g) with vodka (1 liter) and let them steep for 2-3 weeks in a cool place. Strain before use, take 2 tablespoons a day, treatment lasts ten days, then a break of 5 days. After 3-4 courses, you will see a significant improvement in the condition of your veins;
- purple tincture.Soak 200 g plant leaves in 800 ml vodka and let rest for about a week. After the deadline, strain, rub the legs with the resulting solution. Perform such manipulations every evening until you have fully recovered.
- nettle.This method of treatment is long (about a year) but completely safe. Drink a decoction of nettle for 1 glass every day (break the reception 3-4 times). Potion recipe: 2 tbsp. Pour tablespoon of the dried plant with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes. Drink the broth for 1 month, then take a break for 14 days, and then repeat the course of treatment.
- apples.Everyone knows such diversity as Antonovka. Take 3 of these fruits, throw in 1 liter of boiling water, wait 30 minutes, mash the apples to a pulp and pour the broth. Mix the resulting infusion with vodka, honey (1: 1: 1). Take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. Spoon in the morning and before bed in the evening. This treatment lasts about a month, you will notice an excellent result;
- silver wormwood.Thoroughly grind the fresh flowers of this herb to a homogeneous mass + the same amount of sour milk and stir the mixture. Smear your feet with the resulting gruel and cover with gauze. Do not do this procedure for more than 5 days, take a break of 3-4 days, then you can repeat the course of treatment 2-3 more times.
- Kalanchoe.Mix dry leaves of this plant with vodka (1: 1), leave to rest for 1 week, shake the contents regularly. Rub the tincture into the skin of the legs, the pain disappears, a feeling of lightness appears, the veins become less noticeable. This type of treatment also takes a long time (3-4 months).
Use these products only after consulting your doctor. You can combine medication with home therapy. You should remember to stick to the diet (eat cereals, vegetables, not fatty meat) so that you can help the body cope with the disease.
Preventive measures

If you did not have varicose veins before pregnancy, there is no hereditary predisposition, and you are not overweight, it will not be difficult for you to take all preventive measures.
Tips for avoiding chronic venous insufficiency during pregnancy:
- prefer low-heeled shoes, listen to your feelings, you should be comfortable;
- go swimming, it helps not only in the prevention of varicose veins, but also in other diseases. Water treatments are also beneficial for the fetus;
- you sleep on your left side after the 1st trimester. This will reduce the pressure on the vein on the right side.
- Do not cross one leg over the other while sitting, as this compresses the blood vessels.
- do not stay in one position for too long, are constantly moving, this is very useful for the baby. Of course, if there are no special contraindications;
- do not wear tight elastic bands, give up for a while from stockings with tight elastic bands and other pressing clothes;
- Pay attention to your diet, avoid sweet, salty and fatty foods. Leave chips, soda in the past too.
It is good to have a qualified specialist examine you during pregnancy planning. Therefore, it is much easier to prevent or cure small deviations from the norm, since most drugs cannot be used while carrying a baby.
Monitor the condition of your body. If you experience any uncomfortable symptoms, contact your doctor right away. Then you and your baby are absolutely healthy.