Varices or varicose veins is a chronic disease. One of the signs of varicose veins – varicose veins with simultaneous violation of the outflow of blood and the Stagnation of the venous system.

Varicose veins has its own symptoms, which can develop under the influence of a number of reasons. It is characteristic projections are rich, thick, curve, and large veins. Very often it happens varicose veins of the lower extremities.
In the early stages of varicose veins without surgery and other methods of treatment to use. This allows the patient a significant improvement in the condition and stop the development of the disease. Treatment of varicose veins without surgery is used, and in the case when a surgical intervention for any reason contraindicated.
Varicose vein – local pathological enlargement of the lumen of the vein. More common in the vessels of the lower extremities. In General, varicose veins lack of anatomical violation of the veins of the apparatus caused by genetic predisposition, movement.
In the case of varicose veins significantly the elasticity of the veins and the arteries reduces, begin to expand. In the veins there are, the so-called flaps, regulates the constant blood-flow. If everything works correctly, then there are no problems. In the case of functional disorders is varicose veins. The flaps are not closed, normal, and delay the movement of blood to the heart. The pressure increases and pushes the blood from thick veins in the finer vessels. The System of thin veins is not suited to such pressure is their strength, and destruction.
Be highly visible spider veins on the legs, which is a serious aesthetic Problem. Varicose veins progresses, thin weakened veins always distinct, acquire the characteristic blue color, thicken, and soon they appear to be nodules.
Causes of varicose veins
There are many causes of varicose veins, increase the likelihood that the Patient suffers from varicose veins:
- Genetic inheritance of close relatives, faced with varicose veins, a descendant of "take" in Vienna, with a special structure (weakness of connective tissue, the imperfection of the valves, etc.); and then, without continuous compliance with the preventive measures, it is probably safe sooner or later the Patient with the diagnosis "varicose veins of the legs".
- Fluctuations in hormones – most of them vulnerable women (menopause, Menstruation, pregnancy, etc.), what the obvious sexual selectivity, disease, explains about the risk of the occurrence of varicose veins increases, and the treatment of hormonal medication – it is scientifically proven to reduce the contained female sex hormones and their alternates, clearly, the elasticity of the walls of the venous.
- Disorders of the nervous system, Stress, Depression – all of this leads to a decrease of the Tonus of the veins in the lower extremities;
- Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the small pelvis – these processes can damage not only Ellen will lead to a hormone imbalance, but also in the location, small veins;
- Low physical activity compresses with time, the veins, impaired blood circulation, gradually, the tone of the venous walls is reduced, and finally the blood begins to stagnate and there is the varicose veins (today, at the doctors, there was even a special term – Computer-varicose veins, so great was the number of patients, the cause of the disease is the sedentary activity behind the flickering Monitor) was;
- High physical loads – this includes heavy lifting, obesity, pregnancy, work, associated with long bodies; this increases the pressure in the veins, and the formation of varicose veins threatens;
- Flat feet;
- The habit always and everywhere to walk on the wrong High Heels;
- Constipation, increase you cave to the pressure in the abdomen;
- Various injuries and diseases;
- Paul. The risk of varicose veins in women is significantly higher.
- The construction of the body. Of varicose veins more common in the people suffering, the growth is above the average.

Symptoms of varicose veins in the legs
Not to miss the Moment of occurrence of varicose veins on the legs, you need to know to take the first signs and in a timely manner with the right measures.
The main symptoms of varicose veins in the legs:
- The emergence of pain in the feet, burning in the veins, a feeling of heat;
- Feeling of heaviness in the legs (not to be confused with fatigue);
- The formation of edema in the legs. In General, swelling hours to appear in the evening;
- Calf cramps in the night;
- Clearly, the enlargement of the veins;
- The skin in the area of the lower leg acquires a distinct dark color. There are seals and perhaps the emergence of venous ulcers is.
There are also other symptoms of varicose veins:
- Symptoms in the area of the knee or the entire rear surface of the legs can. If the legs are thick or excessive hair growth, manifestation of varicose veins are significantly less;
- The veins can be easily detected. With the defeat of the varicose veins, they are twisted;
- The network specialist may disappear varicose veins, when the Patient was horizontal and the legs storage. The vertical Position of the body, the veins will be thicker;
- Feeling an unusual heaviness in the legs, pain, dull in character, recurring cramps. The Patient may complain of a slight burning sensation in the legs;
- The feet can swell, especially in the area of the soft parts.
The above are the main symptoms of varicose veins were. Varicose veins is not progression, when they start because the treatment of varicose veins.
If the disease is progression, these symptoms of varicose veins appear, such as:
- Hardening (Seals);
- Disturbance in the nutrition of the skin;
- Pigmentation of the skin on the legs;
- Trophic Ulcer.
If it is third-party the symptoms of varicose veins, such as high body temperature, weakness – it says that varicose veins has the stage of complications.
Consequences of varicose veins
Varicose veins is not only an aesthetic Problem feet. This disease is capable of "beating" heart. Varicose veins delivers serious difficulties and lowers the quality of life. If there is no high-quality medical care, the varicose veins are serious complications or death.

Consequences of varicose veins:
- The formation of blood clots, the Stagnation of the blood in the veins;
- The detachment of the Thrombus and blockage of the vessel coincides with its diameter;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Pulmonary embolism (detached Thrombus overcurrent blood in the pulmonary artery, which is involved in the in the small circle of blood circulation. If the diameter of the Thrombus corresponds to a trunk diameter of this artery, it can cause sudden death.
- Wounds or eczema of the legs as a result of malnutrition (impaired blood circulation leads to a noticeable lack of oxygen supply in the tissue, which is the most important nutrition of the tissues of the organism);
- Swelling of the different parts of the body in consequence of the Stagnation in the veins (they are not soft, ductile, bluish color, your education is dependent on the time of day, often in the area of the affected land);
- Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin in the affected area) at the expense of the supply of this land;
- Discoloration of the skin in the area of the affected area;
- The seal of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the area of the affected area due to edema.
Diagnosis of varicose veins
- Functional Tests (determination of the patency of the veins and the Status of your valves): Troyanov – Trendelenburg, Pratt, Sheynis, and others. One of the most common experimental Troyanov – Trendelenburg with the patient while in a horizontal Position, raise a leg 450, the doctor makes the stroking from the foot to the top (which emptied the superficial veins), then the cable harness on the upper side of the thighs and ask the patient to stand up, in the Önorm filling of the veins of the lower leg should be longer than 15 seconds;
- Duplex ultrasound investigation of the veins in the informative method makes it possible to evaluate the blood flow in the vessel and the vessel itself to see;
- Doppler method, the estimated blood flow in this vessel;
- Venography – introduction of contrast medium intravenously and the study of x-ray images;
- The intravenous injection of the radiopharmaceutical and monitoring on a special device.
Treatment of varicose veins
A specific treatment of varicose veins in the legs may depend on the degree of development of the disease. If it is only the first Phase, a conservative treatment can.

Conservative methods of treatment of varicose veins:
- Treatment of varicose veins drugs. It is a pill, cream, ointment;
- Compresses. The wearing of special clothing asked (stockings, bandages);
- Pneumo-Massage. Uses a special device, which is capable to improve the blood circulation, improve the trophism of the tissues and significantly remove the negative symptoms of varicose veins;
- Sclerotherapy. Is not used when without removal of the damaged veins is not enough. In a vein medicine, which are capable of injecting the diseased vessels, which disappear later weaknesses;
- Laser coagulation. Treatment of varicose veins, lasers – one of the modern methods, which is performed under local anesthesia. The results of Laser treatment in about a month;
- Physical therapy, namely the treatment of varicose veins with leeches. It is an unconventional method, but very popular.
Prevention of varicose veins
Prevention of varicose veins require those who have a close relative (older Generation) with this disease. In addition, a preventive treatment of varicose veins, people with obesity, for pregnant women, but also certain professions it is advisable to where a long time had to go on the legs.
Lead an active lifestyle and do a lot of Sport. Especially help Hiking strengthens the legs, thereby increasing your stamina.
There are some recommendations in order to avoid the development of varicose veins:
- If you long hold on the legs, it is desirable to cross at regular intervals and scrunch your toes;
- Office workers (sedentary work), preferably in regular intervals, you place the feet on the table. This way, you can enhance the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities;
- If a small footrest, so you can feel the pressure on the feet while sitting;
- Periodically lift your toes. Tension in the muscles of the lower leg, and an improved blood flow to the top;
- To do several times a day a Training of the whole body.
In addition, use of compression clothing that helps in the prevention of varicose veins.

If all the same observed slight degree of varicose veins, you must waive the following:
- the wearing of shoes with high heels;
- the intake of contraceptives, the worse the situation, the Situation;
- Obesity and being overweight;
- the consumption of sharp, salty, and fatty foods;
- carrying heavy suitcases and bags;
- Depilation with wax;
- long hot baths;
- Baths and saunas;
- Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol;
- to self-medicate.