It happens that after childbirth, complications arise in the mother's body. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes serious changes, the consequences of which are the creation of a new life and, unfortunately, a number of diseases. Varicose veins of the pelvis are one of many possible.
The disease develops in 30% of pregnant women and often affects the condition of the internal organs after the birth of a child. It happens that the symptoms appear at this moment: in a similar way, the body reacts to persistent stress, showing that the condition of the body has deteriorated in the past nine months. The situation becomes noticeable when the first child is not born or the birth was complicated.
When asked how to treat an illness, some doctors shrug their shoulders and ask not to worry. If the pain is constantly disturbed, there is a risk of further complications of the disease, the answer is: treat!
Symptoms of the disease
Varicose veins of the pelvis are easily hidden from a person by a variety of other diseases that cause constant pain in the lower abdomen. Periodically, the disease develops in parallel with other pregnancy pathologies. If you start treatment on time, the results will certainly remain positive.
Patients with pelvic varicose veins have symptoms:
- Constant aching back and abdominal pain worsen if you stand for long periods without moving. As the focus of painful sensations grows, it gives way in the perineum or lower back;
- Pain during sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm - symptoms and causes of the development of the disease. Often the signs develop in parallel, you need to remain attentive and carefully monitor the sensations so as not to miss the annoying pain. If sexual intercourse is interrupted for the purpose of contraception, the risk of illness is extremely high;
- The vaginal sensitivity is increased;
- In adolescents, the disease rarely develops, proceeds without obvious manifestations. If there is an unjustified discharge from the genitals, it becomes an alarming signal for contacting a doctor. Unexplained genital discharge also occurs in adult women;
- Strange reaction of the body to changes in temperature;
- Heavy menstruation, accompanied by constant pain, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea;
- negative reaction to excessive physical exertion;
- Congestion of blood in the parametric veins;
- Sometimes - difficulty urinating.
Symptoms are not as common with other diseases and often affect the mass of the pelvic organs. Varicose veins of the uterus and varicose veins of the testicle are separate inflammations that have nothing to do with the reasons listed above. The diagnosis is made by a doctor using several indicators: symptoms are taken into account, the causes of the disease are clarified later.
Remember that patients with varicose veins express themselves differently, sometimes not all symptoms are observed in the body. To prove that the diagnosis is correct, doctors use stimulants to test the body's response. A timely diagnostic installation guarantees a quick and painless treatment. You don't have to leave the body, you can't allow varicose veins to develop with impunity.
Self-healing should not be practiced. Most women cannot diagnose the disease on their own without specialist knowledge - you need to see a doctor. Even after reading many articles about the disease, it is easy to ignore the simplest contraindications that any treatment procedure has.
Diagnosis: How is the diagnosis confirmed
It is permissible to seek advice on diseases from various doctors: a venous phlebologist, a surgeon who specializes in the treatment of blood vessels. The doctor gives competent advice, explains the causes of the disease and recommends the necessary treatment.
Before treatment, it will be shown that if you have any complaints you will contact the gynecology department. In response to the complaint, the doctor has the right to prescribe a number of studies that will prove or disprove the presence of pathologies in the internal organs:
- Venography through the uterus;
- Ovarianography;
- Ultrasonic;
- Laparoscopy;
- CT scan.
Each procedure is carried out with the consent of the treating women. The reasons for the diversity lie in the consideration of the individual characteristics of the patient, the wishes of the woman and possibly minor doubts of the attending physician in the diagnosis.
If a pregnant girl is diagnosed with pelvic varicose veins, gentle treatment is often prescribed. Includes wearing special medical clothing. The woman giving birth does not take any drugs, and the effects of drugs on the fetus have not been studied. It is better not to risk it and get rid of the disease only after pregnancy. Healing tights remain a must until full recovery.
The main rule of treatment is the normalization of the patient's lifestyle: it is impossible to stay in an upright position for a long time, work, especially with physical exertion, should be normalized. Exercises for pelvic varicose veins are not denied, as they are of a preventive nature. Appointed by a doctor. The main action is to relieve the body: exercises such as "birch", "scissors", "bicycle" and others are used. Even breathing exercises that normalize the work of a tired body and restore the vessels to their previous state are useful. A daily contrast shower in the perineal area is recommended.
The reasons for the formation of varicose veins affect the general condition of internal organs, even if the symptoms do not have a similar condition. During treatment, it is necessary to normalize the diet, give up bad habits such as alcohol and smoking, there is no need to talk about drugs. The increased consumption of vegetable products is recommended, certainly also of fresh vegetable oil. It is beneficial for blood vessels that need nutrients. It makes sense to consume more products that contain or produce collagen and get into the body: the substance has a positive effect on the connective tissue of the vessels, restores the former flexibility and gives it.
If the methods of conservative treatment do not help, then you need to resort to surgical intervention. The operation is performed in an area where there is severe blood stasis. The doctor will make sure that the venous parameters are okay and functioning normally.
What if varicose veins are left untreated?
Diseases that bring with it the consequences of the disease cannot be called fatal and terrible. However, it is not acceptable to sit with your arms crossed for the disease to progress. We must not forget that if there is no treatment, the internal organs suffer. When varicose veins are diagnosed, the myometrium of the uterus is affected, which causes many difficulties for the body to drain blood.
Researchers distinguish three degrees of development of varicose veins:
- The vein rises to 5 millimeters, the type and course of the vessels is like a corkscrew;
- The vein increases to 6-10 millimeters, the appearance of loose ecstasy of the ovarian plexus, damage to the parametric veins and veins of the arcuate plexus of the uterus is possible;
- The vein enlarges by more than 10 millimeters, the varicose veins of the small pelvis eventually take on a total appearance or the venous parameters are affected.
Treatment varies depending on the stage of progression. In severe cases, surgery is even possible. At the first and second stages of the course of the disease, conservative methods of treating blood vessels are used, acting on the causes of organ damage and eradicating the disease. Apply venotonics (increase in vascular tone), exercise therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs.
If the first symptoms are already appearing, you need to see a doctor so that it does not get worse later. Most women try to ignore pelvic varicose veins while treatment does not require much effort.
It is forbidden to start treatment yourself. Small pelvic varicose veins are not a fatal disease, but breaking the rules threatens serious complications.